Showing posts with label #meso botox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #meso botox. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2014

Micro Botox (or Meso Botox)

What is Meso Botox?

This is a relatively new way to inject Botox in to the very superficial layer of skin so that it does not affect the major muscles that control facial movements, yet it still works to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It also reduces pore size and oil production, even helping with acne. Micro Botox gives your skin a smooth, shine-free appearance, and no “frozen” look.

Where do you use Meso Botox?

You can have it injected in your forehead, around your eyes, on the nose, and in certain areas of the cheeks.

How much does it cost?

It takes 40-80 units depending on how many areas you are treating, so $400-$700.

How is it different than regular Botox?

Meso Botox works in the superficial layers of the skin. It takes more injections, but less Botox is injected with each injection. Because there are more injections, it is a little more painful, so we can use topical anaesthetic to make it more comfortable.  You may get redness of the face after the injection for a day or two, which doesn’t happen with traditional Botox injections.

How long does it last?

It lasts the same amount of time as regular Botox: 3-4 months. 

 About Dr. Jenny

Dr. Jenny Weyler is a board certified physician and specializes in non-invasive anti-aging and body contouring  procedures.

Her practice, Aponi Aesthetics in Worcester, Massachusetts, is a patient-centered medical aesthetic practice that uses the latest technology and medical advances to rejuvenate your skin and restore your body to a more youthful appearance.