Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Preventing and treating wrinkles

Before I go into the medical cosmetics that we use to improve our skin health and looks, let's review what can we do for ourselves to maintain the collagen and hydration of our skin? 

It’s never too late to take these simple preventive measures for your good looks!

1.      Protect your skin from the sunThe single biggest factor for skin damage is UV light exposure. I cannot recommend strongly enough: WEAR SUNSCREEN!  You are getting UVA rays even through your car windows, so wear sunscreen even if you aren’t outside.

2.      Quit smoking if you smoke cigarettesCigarette smoking is the second biggest environmental cause of premature aging. I realize quitting tobacco is not an easy thing to do, but if you are serious about your skin care, this is a huge cause of wrinkles and poor skin texture. It should go without saying that there are other, much more serious health issues that cigarette smoking causes, but I have to say it anyway, because it’s a doctor thing.

3.      Exercise!
There was recently a great study that proved that regular aerobic exercise reduces wrinkles in the skin and promotes collagen growth. It’s also good for your overall health and heart, not to mention your life expectancy…

4.      Eat healthy foodThere are NO supplements or vitamins that have been shown to improve your skin health, so please don’t waste your money on that. In general, eating food with anti-oxidants and high in vitamins, and low in refined carbohydrates (yes, that means sugar) will give you the healthiest body and therefore the healthiest skin.  I like to quote my favorite food writer Michael Pollan, who recommends three basic things: Eat food [i.e. real food, not processed food]. Not a lot. Mostly vegetables. Following that simple plan will improve your skin health as much as diet can.

Now for a brief overview of medical treatment of aging skin:

 There are a several major facts of aging skin that we can correct with medical aesthetics. I will discuss the main causes below, though there are other issues going on as we age as well.

1.      Loss of collagenWe stimulate natural collagen growth with topical retinol creams, growth factors and other collagen-boosters. Laser, ultrasound and radiofrequency energy treatments are one of the most effective forms of collagen boosting known to doctors. Some fillers also work to stimulate collagen. Ultimately, loosening of the skin by loss of collagen can be corrected by surgery, which will pull the skin tighter although it does not increase the amount of collagen or improve the baseline skin tone.

2.      Fine wrinkles caused by constant muscle activity (so-called dynamic wrinkles)
These are reduced by relaxing the muscles with botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport or Xeomin).

3.      Fat and bone loss
Over years we lose a lot of the fat padding in our face, and our skull bones begin to shrink back some. This can be corrected with dermal fillers.

4.      Fat deposition
While our middle face and cheeks is losing fat, our jowls are putting it on! It’s just unfair. To a certain degree you can mask this with dermal fillers by erasing the shadows caused by the jowels, but after a certain point this has to be treated with either laser lipolysis or surgery.

5.      Hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage
There are brightening creams to correct dark discolored spots. Lasers are the gold standard treatment for these. Direct superficial damage can cause sloughing of hyperpigmented areas temporarily, such as Thermo-Lo cautery or Cryotherapy (I use a Cryogun in my office, which is a very versatile liquid nitrogen applicator).

If you would like to discuss your own aging issues and concerns, and how you can correct them simply and subtly, please call for an appointment with Dr. Jenny!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Micro Botox (or Meso Botox)

What is Meso Botox?

This is a relatively new way to inject Botox in to the very superficial layer of skin so that it does not affect the major muscles that control facial movements, yet it still works to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It also reduces pore size and oil production, even helping with acne. Micro Botox gives your skin a smooth, shine-free appearance, and no “frozen” look.

Where do you use Meso Botox?

You can have it injected in your forehead, around your eyes, on the nose, and in certain areas of the cheeks.

How much does it cost?

It takes 40-80 units depending on how many areas you are treating, so $400-$700.

How is it different than regular Botox?

Meso Botox works in the superficial layers of the skin. It takes more injections, but less Botox is injected with each injection. Because there are more injections, it is a little more painful, so we can use topical anaesthetic to make it more comfortable.  You may get redness of the face after the injection for a day or two, which doesn’t happen with traditional Botox injections.

How long does it last?

It lasts the same amount of time as regular Botox: 3-4 months. 

 About Dr. Jenny

Dr. Jenny Weyler is a board certified physician and specializes in non-invasive anti-aging and body contouring  procedures.

Her practice, Aponi Aesthetics in Worcester, Massachusetts, is a patient-centered medical aesthetic practice that uses the latest technology and medical advances to rejuvenate your skin and restore your body to a more youthful appearance.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Acleara Laser For Acne

If you have ever even considered taking Accutane for your acne, it is time to make your appointment for Acleara laser treatment.  Acleara is a safe, non-systemic laser treatment for acne that works as well as Accutane WITHOUT the dangerous and uncomfortable side effects.

Acleara is a 15 minute laser procedure that costs $250 (and can usually be covered by a flexible spending account). The Acleara machine uses suction to clean oils and sebum from pores and cysts, and laser light to kill the bacterial that causes acne, and to stimulate new skin cell growth, which causes increased cell turnover and leads to clear skin replacing damaged acne-prone skin. Acleara works for “routine” adolescent acne as well as more serious, scarring cystic acne.

The procedure is NOT painful, and the side effects are minimal. Some patients will get some pink discoloration or dryness of the skin following treatment, but generally they leave the office looking just like they did when they walked in. It takes 2-3 Acleara treatments, given one month apart, for best results.

If anyone you know suffers from this socially debilitating disease, please let them know about this safe, affordable, and highly effective treatment.

Accutane works very well in some patients with severe cystic acne, so I don’t disapprove of it, BUT it has a lot of potentially very dangerous side effects such as rectal bleeding, depression, violent or suicidal thoughts, weakness, numbness, liver disease, pancreatitis, muscle disease and severe fetal abnormalities if you become pregnant while taking it. ACLEARA has NONE of these dangerous side effects. Your choice –and your skin - should be clear. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Latisse Tips from Dr. Jenny

Latisse (bimatoprost) is wonderful and it works beautifully. If you haven’t tried it, you should absolutely consider it. There is really no truth to the rumor that Latisse changes eye or iris color – no scientific evidence supports this with eyelid use, and millions of people have used it without any reports of this effect.  I have come up with some information about and tips for using Latisse that will help you extend the life of your bottle, and give fewer side effects:


First of all: don’t use the brushes that come with your Latisse; use a thin eyeliner brush. You will use less of the product, and can get the Latisse on to your eyelash line more accurately.

Second: Apply at bedtime when your skin is clean and you have finished applying all skin care products.

Third: Put a drop of Latisse on your brush
Fourth: Paint a thin line of fluid along the UPPER eyelid at the base of the eyelashes.

NOTE:  I like the Sephora bent eyeliner brush (Pro Bent Liner Brush), but any well-made thin make-up brush will do. The Sephora brush comes with a little plastic cap that you can put a drop of Latisse in to, then dip your brush in the Latisse and paint it on to the top lid right at the lash line.
If you do not have a Sephora brush lid, use a small plastic container, like a water bottle cap, to put a drop or two of Latisse in (one of my patients said she uses the dimple in the top of the Latisse cap). Rinse and air-dry your brush and your container after every use. Do not leave it out open in your bathroom where toilet bacteria can get on it! Cleanliness is important when using any product on your face, especially near your eyes.

If you use a small brush, you can often paint both eyelids with just one drop of fluid, which will save a significant amount of product so a 3 ml bottle will last longer: 2-3 months. Buying a 5 ml bottle is even less expensive and will last longer, obviously.

If you want to use Latisse on your eyebrows, it WILL increase brow hair growth. One drop is usually enough to paint on both brows. Try to avoid getting Latisse anywhere you don’t want hair to grow. Wipe off any Latisse that gets outside the brow or lash area you want to treat.

Technically you are NOT supposed to use Latisse on lower lids. This is because the product is more likely to leak in to the eye itself, which it will not do if you are using it on the upper eyelid only.

No – it was originally developed for use in the eyes for glaucoma, and is not going to harm your eyes if you get a little in by accident.

You may notice an effect in as little as a month. Full growth usually comes 3-4 months after starting. Once your lashes are as long as you want them, you can start use Latisse every other day or even every 3 days to maintain your lashes. This will make your bottle last longer.

Your eyelashes will go back to normal. You can use Latisse indefinitely as long as you don’t have any side effects.

Side effects of Latisse:
1. It can cause some itching and occasionally dry skin. Applying before bed will reduce itching. If it causes flaking or irritation of the skin, reduce use to every 2-3 days. If it still irritates the skin stop using it.
2. Some people get a darker color (reddish)  of the skin where they paint the Latisse. Sometimes this just looks like eyeliner, and is not necessarily a problem (some people like how it looks). Using a thin eyeliner brush so less skin is exposed to Latisse can reduce this. Wipe off any excess Latisse that gets on the skin around the eyes. If that doesn’t help, decrease frequency of use to every 2-3 days. If you stop using the product the effect will go away. It is not permanent.